Dental Exam & Cleaning Near Me
The average time for a dental exam & cleaning is 45 minutes. 45minutes that can save you from future dental complications! Isn’t itworth it?
We offer comprehensive dental exams. Our services are defined by-of-the-art dental equipment that guarantees you a splendidexperience.
What to expect with dental exams & cleanings
Analyzing Your Medical History
Your dentist will want to understand your health history as well asimportant information such as current medication programs, allergies,etc. We also discuss your lifestyle habits to determine whether you areexposed to risks. This is a good opportunity to build familiarity withthe dentist.
Examining Your Teeth, Gums, and Jaw
After we’ve taken your history, the next step is a comprehensiveexamination of teeth, jaw, gum, tongue, neck, and head. A thoroughinvestigation is done using the latest technology.
We use X-rays to get explicit images of your teeth to allow yourdentist to analyze all the underlying problems that are not visible tothe bare eye.
Teeth Cleaning
Regular brushing is always not enough to thoroughly clean your teeth.We offer professional cleaning that not only cleans your teeth but yourgums too. We usually clean up plaque and tartar that surrounds your gum,spaces between teeth, or any restoration to avoid the build-up ofbacteria that leads to oral infections.
Why go for dental exams & cleaning?
To prevent oral diseases
Get regular checkups to prevent oral problems. A general professionalcleaning process is already a good way to prevent diseases of the mouthsuch as gingivitis.
To detect and treat oral diseases
It is during a dental exam that your dentist detects oral problemsand offers solutions.
Schedule an appointment
Call us to schedule a dental exam & cleaning.