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Dental Exam and Cleaning Near Me in Richmond


Dental Exam & Cleaning Near Me

Dental exams are important for your oral health. Visiting yourdentist regularly is a sure way of getting a dental exam & cleaning.We offer routine dental exams and cleanings.

Why go for dental exams & cleaning?

To prevent oral diseases

When you go for dental exams, your dentist is likely to spotpotential dental problems and stop them. Examples of such problemsinclude tooth decay, enamel erosion, and gingivitis.

To detect and treat oral diseases

During dental exams, your dentist uses X-rays and other imagingtechnologies to study hidden areas of your mouth. This way they candetect oral problems early and help start your treatment.

Cost of prevention vs. cure

Regular preventive care turns out to be cost-saving in the long runcompared to one advanced treatment. Also, why wait for a problem tocompound if we can prevent it?

What to expect with dental exams & cleaning

During your dental exam, your dentist will analyze your medicalhistory. It’s a good opportunity to mention if, you are on medication,have gone through other dental procedures, or have allergies. You canalso discuss about habits that affect your oral health.

Your dentist will examine your teeth, gums, and jaw as well as allthe supporting tissues. Your dentist may even go further to examine yourface, neck, and head. Dental X-rays are useful at this point.

Your dentist will perform a dental cleaning to remove plaque andtartar that build up on your teeth over time.

You will then receive important care tips for your teeth, gums, andmouth in general.

Schedule a dental exam & cleaning

We offer comprehensive dental exam & cleaning services. Call usto learn more.



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