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  • Teeth Whitening Treatment in Richmond

    Teeth Whitening Treatment Near Me Teeth discoloration occurs as you age, from genetic makeup, or as aresult of other habits such as smoking. If you have yellow teeth you canbenefit from teeth whitening services. Teeth whitening treatments are very common and while there are manyoptions, always speak to your dentist before you start anytreatment. Teeth whitening has its own side effects such as causing teethsensitivity but knowing the right amount of bleaching agents to use andthe amount of time the treatment should take is key to minimizing sideeffects. When it comes to teeth whitening treatments, you have two options;In-office treatments and home treatments. While home treatments are available over the counter, it is difficultto know which product to use. Most people end up wasting time and moneywith no results. Worse, they end up with teeth and gum irritation. In-office treatments use stronger bleaching solutions that’s why theyare done under the supervision of your dentist. In-Office Teeth Whitening In-office treatments significantly brighten your teeth up to eightshades in a short period of time! Dentists use high-concentrationperoxide gel that is controlled to give results without damagingteeth. At-Home Teeth Whitening Common home treatments involve the use of; Tooth whitening strips and gels – These areapplied daily directly to your teeth using a toothbrush. After about 4months of usage, you start noticing results. Tray-based tooth bleaching systems –Involves wearing a guard-like tray filled with a bleaching agent. Thetray is worn over teeth daily for about 4 weeks. Tooth whitening toothpaste – These worklike a normal toothpaste but they have a higher abrasion that canbrighten your teeth by one or two shades. Whiter teeth are appealing but get the right information before youconsider starting any treatment. Speak to your dentist or call us.

  • Dental Crowns Near Me in Richmond

    Dental Crowns Near Me What is a dental crown? A dental crown is a tooth-shaped cap that is placed on top of yourtooth to cover damage on the tooth. If you have an underlying problem,your dentist will fix the problem before placing the crown. It can alsobe used to replace a missing tooth together with a dental implant ordental bridge. There are different types of crown according to thedesign material such as metal, porcelain, resin, and ceramic. You may need a dental crown to; Protect a weak tooth Restore a broken tooth Cover and support a tooth with a large filling Hold a dental bridge in place Cover a discolored tooth Support a dental implant You can get dental crowns in one or two appointments. The most commontreatment is the one administered in two appointments. Dental crown placement (two appointments) It involves the following steps The dentist examines and prepares the tooth that needs the crown.X-rays may be done. Your dentist then removes part of the outer layer of thetooth. Your dentist then creates an impression of the filled tooth andsurrounding teeth. The dentist will put a temporary crown over your tooth to protectit after which the next appointment is set. After a few weeks, you return for the second appointment to haveyour crown fitted. Same-day procedure (one appointment) With a same-day procedure, you skip the temporary crown step. Your dentist takes digital images of your mouth to create yourcrown in approximately an hour or 2. Once the crown is ready, your dentist fits it into place. Theentire process takes approximately 5 hours. Are you a candidate for a dental crown? Find out by calling us tospeak to dental crown specialists near you.

  • Dental Exam and Cleaning Near Me in Richmond

    Dental Exam & Cleaning Near Me We offer routine dental exams and cleanings that are vital to youroral health. Regular visits to a dentist near you help maintain ahealthy smile which is linked to increased confidence and highself-esteem. The benefits of Dental Exams & Cleaning Prevention of oral diseases With regular dental exams and cleanings, you can prevent problemssuch as tooth decay, gum disease, enamel erosion, and gingivitis. Early detection of oral diseases During dental exams, your dentist uses X-rays to create images ofyour teeth and gums. This allows your dentist to detect any potentialproblems early. Cost savings Preventive care is usually cheaper than corrective care. Dental exams& cleanings save you money in the long run by reducing the need formore costly advanced treatments. Healthy habits During your visits to the dentist, you learn more about healthyhabits to follow and unhealthy habits to quit. This makes your oralhealth maintenance easy. Improved appearance Regular cleanings remove harmful bacteria from your mouth giving youa healthy and whiter smile that is esthetically pleasing. Management of dental issues When you have a dental issue, you are bound to experience pain anddiscomfort. Dental exams & cleanings are the best ways to manage thesituation. For example, if you have bad breath your dentist will helpget rid of it. Schedule a dental exam & cleaning Routine dental exams & cleanings give you peace of mind. You liveyour life knowing that your oral health is at its best. Call us toschedule a dental exam & cleaning.

  • Teeth Cleaning Near Me in Richmond

    Teeth Cleaning Near Me The American Dental Association recommends that you should visit yournearby dental office once every six months for dental exams andcleaning. There are different types of teeth cleaning procedures depending onwhat your dental hygienist finds during a physical exam. Teeth cleaning prevents bacteria populations from growing in yourmouth and causing dental disease. We’ll tell you about the most common types of teeth cleaningprocedures you can expect at our dental office. Prophylaxis Dental Cleaning Prophylaxis dental cleaning is a preventive teeth cleaning procedure.If your hygienist determines that you have healthy teeth, a prophylaxisdental cleaning is sufficient to prevent disease. A prophylaxis cleaningremoves plaque and tartar from the front, back, and sides of teeth usinga dental scaler. Scaling and Root Planing Cleaning Also referred to as deep cleaning, scaling and root planing cleaninginvolves cleaning your teeth and gum pockets in order to treatgingivitis and moderate periodontitis. If you have advancedperiodontitis, you may require additional steps in your treatment.Scaling removes plaque and tartar from the tooth’s surface and in thegum pockets below the gum line. Periodontal Maintenance Cleaning For patients who have periodontal disease, routine periodontalmaintenance cleaning is important for teeth and gums to controlinfection which in this case is not treatable. Gross Debridement Cleaning This is a heavy-duty teeth cleaning procedure suitable for teeth thathave huge amounts of plaque and tartar. How long has it been since you last had your teeth professionallycleaned? Speak to your dentist about teeth cleaning or set up aconsultation with us to plan your next teeth cleaning appointment.

  • Teeth Whitening Treatment in Richmond

    Teeth Whitening Treatment Near Me In cosmetic dentistry, teeth whitening is one of the mostsought-after treatments. Teeth whitening treatments offer a quick,non-invasive, and affordable way to enhance a smile. Both men and womencan benefit from teeth whitening treatments. Virtually everyone who optsfor a teeth-whitening treatment sees significant improvement in thebrightness and whiteness of their smile. You need to maintain yourwhiter teeth in order to preserve the result. Teeth discoloration occurs as a result of; aging genetic predisposition certain medications (such as tetracycline) lifestyle habits (including smoking, drinking coffee orsoda) Teeth whitening has its own risks such as causing teeth sensitivitybut knowing the right amount of bleaching agents to use and the amountof time the treatment should take is key to minimizing risks. Teeth whitening treatments mainly come in two forms; In-officetreatments and home treatments. In-Office Teeth Whitening In-office treatments significantly brighten your teeth up to eightshades in a short period of time! Dentists use high-concentrationperoxide gel that is controlled to give results without damagingteeth. In-office treatment is done in sessions. At-Home Teeth Whitening Common home treatments involve the use of; Tooth whitening toothpaste – These worklike normal toothpaste but they have additional whitening ingredientsthat give them higher abrasion to brighten your teeth by at least oneshade. Tooth whitening strips and gels – Applieddaily directly to your teeth using a toothbrush. Tray-based tooth bleaching systems –Involves daily wearing of a guard-like tray filled with a bleachingagent. Want esthetically pleasing teeth? We can help you get the right teethwhitening treatment.

  • Dental Crowns Near Me in Richmond

    Dental Crowns Near Me We have resin, metal, porcelain, and ceramic dental crowns for yourtooth’s restoration. Dental crowns are used to cover damage to a tooth. A dental crown is a tooth-shaped cap that is fitted on top of a damagedtooth to protect the tooth from further damage. A crown is only placedafter treatment of your underlying problem. If you have tooth decay,your dentist will first address the problem before placing thecrown. A dental crown can be used in these situations To protect a weak tooth To support a dental implant To support a dental bridge To restore a broken tooth To cover and support a tooth with a large filling To cover a discolored tooth Dental crowns are usually done in two appointments even thoughsingle-appointment procedures are also possible. Dental crown placement in two appointments The steps involved include; X-ray examination of the affected tooth Filling the outer layer of the tooth Creating an impression of the filled tooth and surroundingteeth Temporary crown placement Cementing the crown after a few weeks Same-day procedure (one appointment) With a same-day procedure; Your dentist takes digital images of your mouth and creates yourcrown in approximately an hour or 2. Once the crown is ready, your dentist fits it intoplace. Approximate waiting time is 4 hours. Care for dental crowns Brush with care. We recommend brushing your teeth at least twicea day. Consider using toothpaste made for sensitive teeth especially ifyour natural teeth are sensitive to temperature changes. Floss daily to avoid plaque build-up between teeth. Avoid hard foods. While a metal crown can sustain hard biting andchewing, other types can’t. Chewing ice or hard foods might cause acrack on your crown. If you grind or clench your teeth at night, request a nightguard. Are you a candidate for dental crowns? Call us to find out.

  • Dental Exam and Cleaning Near Me in Richmond

    Dental Exam & Cleaning Near Me Dental exams are important for your oral health. Visiting yourdentist regularly is a sure way of getting a dental exam & cleaning.We offer routine dental exams and cleanings. Why go for dental exams & cleaning? To prevent oral diseases When you go for dental exams, your dentist is likely to spotpotential dental problems and stop them. Examples of such problemsinclude tooth decay, enamel erosion, and gingivitis. To detect and treat oral diseases During dental exams, your dentist uses X-rays and other imagingtechnologies to study hidden areas of your mouth. This way they candetect oral problems early and help start your treatment. Cost of prevention vs. cure Regular preventive care turns out to be cost-saving in the long runcompared to one advanced treatment. Also, why wait for a problem tocompound if we can prevent it? What to expect with dental exams & cleaning During your dental exam, your dentist will analyze your medicalhistory. It’s a good opportunity to mention if, you are on medication,have gone through other dental procedures, or have allergies. You canalso discuss about habits that affect your oral health. Your dentist will examine your teeth, gums, and jaw as well as allthe supporting tissues. Your dentist may even go further to examine yourface, neck, and head. Dental X-rays are useful at this point. Your dentist will perform a dental cleaning to remove plaque andtartar that build up on your teeth over time. You will then receive important care tips for your teeth, gums, andmouth in general. Schedule a dental exam & cleaning We offer comprehensive dental exam & cleaning services. Call usto learn more.

  • Dental Exam and Cleaning Near Me in Richmond

    Dental Exam & Cleaning Near Me The average time for a dental exam & cleaning is 45 minutes. 45minutes that can save you from future dental complications! Isn’t itworth it? We offer comprehensive dental exams. Our services are defined by-of-the-art dental equipment that guarantees you a splendidexperience. What to expect with dental exams & cleanings Analyzing Your Medical History Your dentist will want to understand your health history as well asimportant information such as current medication programs, allergies,etc. We also discuss your lifestyle habits to determine whether you areexposed to risks. This is a good opportunity to build familiarity withthe dentist. Examining Your Teeth, Gums, and Jaw After we’ve taken your history, the next step is a comprehensiveexamination of teeth, jaw, gum, tongue, neck, and head. A thoroughinvestigation is done using the latest technology. We use X-rays to get explicit images of your teeth to allow yourdentist to analyze all the underlying problems that are not visible tothe bare eye. Teeth Cleaning Regular brushing is always not enough to thoroughly clean your teeth.We offer professional cleaning that not only cleans your teeth but yourgums too. We usually clean up plaque and tartar that surrounds your gum,spaces between teeth, or any restoration to avoid the build-up ofbacteria that leads to oral infections. Why go for dental exams & cleaning? To prevent oral diseases Get regular checkups to prevent oral problems. A general professionalcleaning process is already a good way to prevent diseases of the mouthsuch as gingivitis. To detect and treat oral diseases It is during a dental exam that your dentist detects oral problemsand offers solutions. Schedule an appointment Call us to schedule a dental exam & cleaning.

  • Teeth Cleaning Near Me in Richmond

    Teeth Cleaning Near Me Staying on top of routine dental cleanings plays an essential role inyour oral health and overall health. More importantly, routine teethcleanings can prevent more serious oral health complications like gumdisease and tooth decay that can lead to tooth loss. The American Dental Association recommends visiting a dentist atleast twice per year. If you don’t have a personal dentist, start withone near you. Just like an annual physical exam is essential to your body’s overallhealth, routine teeth cleaning is crucial for the health of your teeth,gums, and entire mouth. The aim of a teeth cleaning session is to removeplaque and tartar buildup on your teeth and under your gum line toreduce your chances of cavities, gum disease, or eventual toothloss. Teeth cleaning also involves a physical exam that gives your dentistand dental hygienist an opportunity to spot signs of dental diseaseearly and possibly prevent them. Here’s what happens during a teeth cleaningprocedure Physical exam – Your dental hygienist has to performa physical exam before treatment to check the status of your teeth andgums. Removing plaque and tartar – After the exam, they’llthen proceed by removing the build-up of plaque and tartar. Gritty toothpaste – They’ll then apply a grittytoothpaste that scrubs your teeth to remove leftover tartar. Flossing – Next, they’ll help you floss in betweenteeth. Rinsing – Next, they’ll help you rinse debris. Fluoride treatment – Finally, they’ll apply afluoride treatment that protects your teeth from cavities. Benefits of a Dental Cleaning There are three key health benefits associated with routine dentalcleanings. These include: The maintenance of oral health The prevention of oral diseases Early detection and treatment of oral diseases. Do you want to speak to a dental hygienist near you? Call ustoday.

  • Teeth Whitening Treatment in Richmond

    Teeth Whitening Treatment Near Me Teeth whitening refers to a variety of processes that aim to makesomeone’s natural teeth appear brighter and whiter. Your teeth losetheir natural color as a result of aging genetics Consistent use of some types of medications lifestyle habits (such as smoking) Many different teeth whitening products are availableover-the-counter but their effectiveness is something to ponder. Thebest thing is to get your treatment from your dentist. Some teeth whitening methods can cause uncomfortable side effects,mostly tooth sensitivity, and gum irritation. Knowing the right amountof bleach to apply is crucial. Also, the amount of time the bleachsolution stays on your teeth is absolutely important. Teeth whitening treatments mainly come in two forms; In-officetreatments and home treatments. In-Office Teeth Whitening In-office treatments significantly brighten your teeth up to eightshades in a short period of time but they can be expensive! In-office treatments require several sessions. They usually usehigher concentrations of active ingredients to achieve results. At-Home Teeth Whitening Common home treatments involve the use of; Tooth whitening toothpaste – Brushing yourteeth with tooth-whitening toothpaste can brighten your teeth by one ortwo shades. They work like normal toothpaste but have additionalwhitening ingredients. Tooth whitening strips and gels – These areapplied daily directly to your teeth using a toothbrush. Tray-based tooth bleaching systems –Involves daily wearing of a guard-like tray filled with a bleachingagent. When going through a whitening treatment, have patience. Your teethwon’t change instantly. Once your teeth have improved, caring for themwill help maintain the result for longer. Call us to learn more aboutour teeth whitening treatments.

  • Dental Crowns Near Me in Richmond

    Dental Crowns Near Me Are you looking for a dental crown specialist near you? We’ll helpyou determine whether you require one. We have different types of crownsmade from resin, metal, porcelain, and ceramic materials. What is a dental crown? Dental crowns are used to cover damage to a tooth. Your toothpractically wears the crown. The crown is tooth-shaped and custom-madeto fit the size of your tooth. A crown does not hide a dental problem, it hides the damage caused.If your tooth has broken because of decay, you will first get treatmentfor tooth decay and the crown will hide the breakage. A dental crown can be used in these situations To protect a weakened tooth after severe decay or cavity To cover an implant To replace a large filling To restore a natural tooth that is cracked or broken To protect a tooth after a root canal To align your bite For cosmetic purposes Types of dental crowns The most common types of dental crowns include; Metal crowns Such as the popular gold crowns. They are the most durable but alsovery expensive. Stainless steel crowns These are temporary crowns and are common in children who needprotection for their baby teeth. Resin crowns Resin crowns are affordable but not very durable as they aresusceptible to fractures. Porcelain crowns These are probably the most common nowadays because they look morelike natural teeth. Porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM) crowns These are made from a combination of porcelain and metal. Pressed ceramic crowns These are similar to porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM) crowns but madeof ceramic in place of metal. Care for dental crowns Brush normally but gently. Floss daily to avoid plaque between teeth. Avoid hard foods. Are you a candidate for dental crowns? Call us to find out.

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